Sunday, January 15, 2012

Progress Update - Week 2

I think I did a little bit better at keeping up with everything.

1. Get Crafty- Check!

2. Baking Extravaganza- Check! Yum, yum, yum.

3. Cooking for Two- No! I'm so ashamed!

4. Walk it Off- Four out of five days... again. I MUST do five days this week!

5. Declutter and Organize- Better. I've accomplished 7 out of 31 calendar items now. (P.S. I tried to link the original pin of the calendar--but I can't find it anywhere! I'm glad I saved the pdf.)

6. Alphabet Dating- Nope. We're still trying to figure out that perfect "K" date.

7. Read the Word- Yes! I finished Exodus and Leviticus. I'm now on Numbers.

8. Classics- Yes! I finally finished The Night Circus, so I began reading my first classic--Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I'm through about 18% of it. Sad thing? I still really have no clue what it's about. I need to focus better.

9. Sell, Donate, Toss- Yep! I put together my boxes and I've been adding items. I've got about 30 things in my "Donate" box. Not many in my "Sell" box yet. I don't have a "Toss" box--I've just been throwing stuff in the garbage as I go. I'm confident I'll find enough stuff to fill those boxes by the end of the month.

10. Water- Check! I did only drink 2 glasses on Tuesday--oops. But I drank 4 the next day, so I'm counting that.

If I only I would've cooked something... I'd have felt really accomplished! I'm digging my progress so far, though. Gotta keep it up!

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